There is a deep concern among the Tiatrologists and in the Tiatro cirlce that Tiatro will suffer a deep scar due to the heavy damage it suffered in its promotion due to the Tiatro and Tiatrists undergoing these days the terrible effects of Lockdown because of Corona Virus. Very many of our Tatrists are living like a daily wagers, “work today and get your remuneration to day and spend it to feed you”. Since this is the case, these Tiatrists will undergo lot of difficulties in the life of their survival. This is one aspect of their life affecting their sustenance.
The second aspect will be the diminishing quality of their Tiatros because by being out of this profession for another approximately one year because Corona Virus effect will not die down fully, people in Goa will have to maintain to keep the distance between every two persons which will not be convenient for the audience in the Tiatro Hall. Since it will take a long time for the complete eradication of Coronato Virus, the audience will be afraid to attend to the Tiatros for the fear of acquiring the invissible particles of Corona Virus. If you observe the whole scenario of this subject, everybody involved in this Tiatros business will be in a dilemma. Hence, Tiatro will suffer a big set-back and as such it will go back atleast to 50 to 75 years. And who will raise its standard again to the level of the 23rd March 2020?
This is not going to be the first such incident where Tiatro suffered a set- back. Earlier, 25 – 30 years after the first Tiatro was staged in Bombay, Tiatro suffered a heavy set back because decent people stopped patronizing Tiatros because of its very low quality displayed in the form of vulgarity and “Zupattis”. Suddenly, from nowhere the then young genius the late Minguel Rod appeared on the Konkani Stage and thru his very high intellectual Tiatros beautified with excellent cantos and beautiful songs the revival of Tiatro was brought. The audience from the elite and educated class of Goans including the Portuguese educated “Bhattkar” and high caste Cristian and Hindu “Bamonn” started patronizing our Tiatros. Those few who are still alive and who have seen the Tiatros of Minguel Rod namely “Bapul Bhau, Ghorchem Kestaum, Ghorib Sezari, Goenkar Munddkar Beltod, Lemddo Santan, Open to Close etc." I am sure they will give the testimony of the genuineness of what I wrote here. In order to have a Minguel Rodan type of revolution in our Tiatros we must pray to God to send in our midst a Messiah type of Tiatrist to stage absolutely high standard Tiatros to which the audience will automatically get magnetized and who will not be afraid of any Virus.
Now, the ball is in the court of Tiatrists to revive the interest of Tiatros into the minds of our audience. Initially in the beginning audience will be afraid, to remove this fear of their minds and hearts, the Tiatrists mainly the top few “Lokhpriya” Playwrights and directors must have a round table type of conference among them and select thru consensus one genuine director who is the most sought after director by the audiene and put the ball into his court to stage his first Tiatro after the Lockdown and thru this experiment everyone will come to know what is the actual status of the revival of our Tiatros. Any L:adru-Pedru type of director will not move the mountain - audience – to watch the first Tiatro, only the top celebrity type of director will be able to wake up the dormant audience. One whole round should be allocated to this director to stage his Tiatro all over Goa. Then the second best known director should be pushed to stage his Tiatro in a similar manner and then the third director and so on. Let every director be allotted one month to complete staging his tiatro. In 4-6 month time you will do the assessment of the interest in audience and also of Corona Virus. Once you feel everything is settled down in the right direction and the situation is returned to the previous normalcy, then let every director and every Tiatrist use own decision to play his role.