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Over a month ago I noticed a write-up in one of the Goan dailies saying  Reserve Bank of India withdrew the banking License of Mapusa Urban Cooperative Bank and further asking the MUCB to stop conducting all banking business.

The news further said that confirming this, the former Bank Chairman  Ramakant Khalap  has said “yes they have withdrawn the Banking License and their (Khalaps) first demand which is still pending with RBI is  to allow the depositors  to withdraw their money”. Further Khalap said  “we have enough funds and if they allow at least Rs one lakh per depositor, then 95% will get back their money.

Now, if Khalap thinks so, then why he is doing nothing to put pressure legally or any otherway on RBI to allow the depositors to withdraw their money?  If Khalap was also suffering the way many of the depositors of MUCB are suffering then Khalap would scream by even bringing demonstrators on the streets of Mapusa to impose pressure on the RBI to come out with solution.   These Khalaps and their subordinates earlier were begging with the people to open accounts and deposit something in MUCB and now they have forgotten their earlier days. 

Then said Khalap, there are  1,11,000 depositors and  the Bank has Rs  353 crores as deposit plus an asset of worth around Rs 150 crores and all  the  depositors are insured to the tune  of Rs 5 lakh each. Hence, why the depositors are put into inconvenience when they have their money legally deposited?  Due to the current  situation of Corona Virus Lockdown, the money power into the hands of people including many  depositors of MUCB become less requiring urgent withdrawal of their deposits from the MUCB.  It is the  responsibility of Khalap and others like him to put in their maximum efforts to solve this problem and to return the depositors money back to them.

Again now, if Mr. Khalap your bank has in its kitty so many crores then what stops it from disbursing? Why the Bank cannot start returning the depositors money back to them especially now when the same money is requird more and for more better utility? Why RBI is ignoring the requests of MUCB to disburse the amount to the depositors?  Was the infringement committed by this bank  warrant such a Severe reprimanding  and what was it?  Can't the depositors know what it is?  I think it is the obligation of the Bank to divulge the fact and figures of the mistake that MUCB has committed and for which the Bank has been punished by RBI.  However harsh the punishment  of RBI may be but its responsibility cannot be passed on to the depositors who are In no way guilty of the disastrous mistake  the Board must have committed.  The Board was paid handsomely I feel and yet they ate like  Ladru and Pedru?  They should be punished sternly if they are mistaken but because of their mistake innocent depositors should never be castigated. Is Reserve Bank of India gone insane to know the problems the depositors are facing?  Is it its pleasure to see the depositors of MUCB suffer?   If RBI had to be more  vigilant in the beginning only, they could arrest the fallacious act they committed  in which case the situation  would not have come to this grave degree for which the poor depositors are suffering when they are fully innocent.  
All the earlier stalwarts of this Bank who constituted the Board of directors must as responsible people own this responsibility because it is they who frame the policy of their bank to manage it smoothly,  depositors are not responsible for the mistakes done by the top management for which the RBI castigated the MUCB.  The depositors are asking nothing but only their deposits and how to give them back their deposits is the responsibility of the management of MUCB.
When they wanted depositors the Bank officers and others were coming on their knees for begging  to open an account  with their Bank but now they don’t even care for us, said one depositor.  

A.Veronica Fernandes.

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