Is the Congress Party in the hands of right persons and will it be right on the part of its voters to vote for the Congress Party in the next election when one feels Congress Party has no future and neither it can give future to the current and the next generations? It hurts me very much to express this negative view of mine when I have been supporting this grand old party that gave so much and so many great leaders to India. Inspite of giving so much for the country and to our State Goa including the separate Statehood and much better secularism than what we are getting now under the communal party BJP, the Congress Party in the last election failed us very miserably in Goa inspite of winning greater number of Seats because all the bloody oldies gave priority for their own greed for the topmost chair, these bloody stupid artificial Congressmen whose allegiance to Congress Party is very much questionable, put the victory in the last election into the hands of BJP and withdrew from the scene for BJP to form the government, as if it was nothing, the Congressmen who were the architects of surrendering their victory to BJP were the most disgraceful persons who were not even apologetic for the crime they have committed on the Congress supporters and voters. If this episode had to take place anywhere in the world, the voters and supporters of Congress party would not only burn their houses but even burn them in front of the Porvorim Assembly Building because these stupid Congressmen have made a joke of the mandate given to Congress Party by its dedicated and faithful supporters who stood by Congress Party thru thick and thin.
If Congress won more seats in the last election it was not because of any of the Congressmen nor because of any of the Oldies who are most hated by their supporters because they are not genuine Congressmen, they are the crook Congressmen, they never subscribe to the principles and doctrine of the Congress Party and yet that they are in Congress Party it is only because of their personal benefit, they are not an asset to Congress Party, on the contrary they a big liability on the Congress Party, the supporters and voters of the Congress Party alone are asset to the Congress Party. Can these present day Congressmen namely Ravi Naik, Prataphsingh Raoji Rane, Luizinho Faleiro, Kamat and others be an asset to Congress Party? Ravi Naik jumped into the Congress Party because he wanted to be the CM of Goa and he got it; Luizinho Faleiro joined the Congress Party from Goa Congress when he found it suitable to get the topmost Chair in the Congress government; Rane as a political baby was brought up in the Cradle of MGP under Dayananda Bandodcar but later on he joined Congress to get the topmost Chair.. This was his ambition and during his long tenure he has destroyed Goa.
The surrendering of the right to form the ministry by the Congressmen due to their arrogance, pride and greed for power made the Oldies and Congress Party as JOKE. The victory for Congress Party was purely due to the strong support of the voters of the Congress Party and not because of any of its fake and selfish leaders nor because of the Star campaigners, in fact there is no star campaigner in the Congress Party, they all were mediocre campaigners and totally useless people, they are unreliable persons. For example see, Rane, how cunning he is, he is inspite of being a Congressman still allowed his son in BJP, does it look nice morally at least? Does this suit any homogeneous family? Father is in one party and son in the another party,des not it looks something strange though legally it is not wrong. All the oldies were responsible to create the BJP Government, this was the great issue which cannot be handled and taken lightly but the Congress Party unfortunately handled it lightly and very casually thus giving on the silver platter an opportunity for the BJP to rule Goa. The lesson derived from this stupidity is this: Can you and me and all the supporters of Congress Party vote again for the candidates of Congress Party when we know this party is least bothered in protecting the interest of its voters? All those Congressmen who decided to put their claim for the Chair of CM are not true Congressmen neither they are interested in the development of Congress nor even the good of Goa and Goans but they are only interested like bloody rascals in their own selfish benefits. In the coming election they must be kicked out from Congress Party otherwise the GRAND OLD PARTY will be kicked out by the electorate.
Though Congress image was poor with their oldies being a big liability, at least one of the 7 oldies could have contested from the North for the last Lokh Sabah Seat but instead they pushed the newly elected and dedicated Congress President who I am sure was aware of his defeat yet he contested to prove his love and dedication for the party.
It is terrible to know Congress is become a ready made MLA’s supplying Organisation to BJP as it did in Goa and now in Rajashantan and yet there is no regret on their part. It does not look that Congress Party is serious in keeping itself alive in Goa because they do not give an impression that they are serious. Allowing meekly the 10 MLAs to join BJP is something one cannot understand. It is a big blow on the faces of all the voters of Congress who are still on shocking state. The supporters of Congress Party worked so hard and its High and Low Commands are surrendering their MLA’s to BJP without much resistance for which Congress Party alone is to be blamed. If Congress is demoralised for being out of power, it has no right to contest the election and put its voters out of track.
A.Veronica Fernandes.
Is the Congress Party in the hands of right persons and will it be right on the part of voters to vote for the Congress Party in the next election when one feels Congress has no future and neither it can give future to the current and the next generations? It hurts me very much to express this negative view of mine when I have been supporting this grand old party that gave so much and so many great leaders to India. Inspite of giving so much for the country and to our State Goa including the separate Statehood and much better secularism than what we are getting now under the communal party BJP, Congress Party in the last election failed us very miserably in Goa inspite of winning greater number of Seats because all the bloody oldies gave priority for their own greed for the topmost chair, these bloody stupid artificial Congressmen whose allegiance to Congress Party is very much questionable, put the victory in the last election into the hands of BJP and withdrew from the scene for BJP to form the government, as if it was nothing, the Congressmen who were the architects of surrendering their victory to BJP were most disgraceful persons who were not even apologetic for the crime they have committed on the Congress supporters and voters. If this episode had to take place anywhere in the world, the voters and supporters of Congress party would not only burn their houses but even burn them in front of the Porvorim Assembly Building because these stupid Congressmen have made a joke of the mandate given to Congress Party by its dedicated and faithful supporters who stood by Congress Party thru thick and thin.
If Congress won more seats in the last election it was not because of any of the Congressmen nor because of any of the Oldies who are most hated by their supporters because they are not genuine Congressmen, they are the crook Cobgressmen, they never subscribe to the principles and doctrine of the Conngress and yet that they are in Congress Party it is only because of their personal benefit, they are not an asset to Congress Party, on the contrary they a big liability on the Congress Party, the supporters and voters of the Congress Party alone are asset to the Congress Party. Can these present day Congressmen namely Ravi Naik, Prataphsingh Raoji Rane, Luizinho Faleiro, Kamat and others be an asset to Congress Party? Ravi Naik jumped into the Congress Party because he wanted to be the CM of Goa and he got it, he was never a Congressman; Luizinho Faleiro joined the Congress Party from Goa Congress when he found it suitable to get the topmost Chair in the Congress government; Rane as a political baby was brought up in the Cradle of MGP under Dayananda Bandodcar but later on he joined Congress to get the topmost Chair. This was his ambition and during his long tenure he has destroyed Goa.
The surrendering of the right to form the ministry by the Congressmen due to the arrogance and greed for power made the Oldies and Congress Party as JOKERS. The victory for Congress Party was purely due to the strong support of the voters of the Congress Party and not because of any of the Star campaigners, in fact there is no star campaigner in the Congress Prty, they all were mediocre campaigners and totally useless people, they are unreliable persons. For example see, Rane, how cunnjing he is, he is inspite of being a Congressman still allowed his son in BJP, does it look nice they morally? All the oldies were responsible to create the BJP Government, this was the great issue which cannot be handled and taken lightly but they handled it lightly and BJP got the chance to rule Goa.
Though Congress image was poor with their oldies being a liability on the party because they are fit only for fighting for their seniority rights to occupy the top Chair, at least one of the 7 oldies could have contested from the North for the last Lokh Sabah Seat but instead they pushed the newly elected dedicated Congress President who I am sure was aware of his defeat yet he contested to prove his love for the party.
It is terrible to know Congress is become a ready made MLA’s supplying Organisation to BJP as it did in Goa and now in Rajashantan and yet there is no regret on their part. It does not look that Congress Party is serious in keeping itself alive in Goa because they do not give an impression that they are serious. Alloowing meekly the 10 MLAs to join BJP is something one cannot understand. It is a big blow on the faces of all the voters of Congress who are still on shocking state. The supporters of Congress work so hard and its High and Low Commands are surrendering their MLA’s to BJP without much resistance for which Congress Party alone is to be blamed. If Congress is demoralised for being out of power, it has no right to contest the election and put its voters out of track.
A.Veronica Fernandes.