A few years back one Goan priest in Kuwait from Carmelite Order told me how dangerous it is to send females, in single, to Kerala for Potta Retreat because some of them due to their weakness, in the name of God’s love get mesmerized and remain there only for long time even leaving their family members including their own children back at home. And on top of it they cite an excuse for their irresponsible behavior saying “we want to serve God by being in Kerala at Potta”. One husband of one of the ladies who thus got magnetised at Potta when he failed to convince his wife to return back home to fulfill her obligation of a wife and of a mother of small school going children finally approached one of the priests there but he too failed him saying “don’t stop her from serving the Lord”.
According to that Carmelite Goan priest, females are weak and can easily fall prey to the command of the priests who are more intelligent, more cunning and more smart having more convincing power. Secondly, women by virtue of being women are soft in mind and heart and being so they easily succumb to the wishes of the priests whom many a time they treat as Godly figures and hence their surrender to the wishes of the priests, even wicked wishes. Thirdly many of the faithful involved in serving the Church activities including Parish Council are either intellectually or socially or educationally bankrupt and for such people Church forum is a good opportunity to gain cheap prominence otherwise as they are they will remain into the bracket of Hoi Polloi only as discarded creatures in society. Some of these persons are very sinful, night time having extra marital sex and early in the morning like saintly figures distribute the Holy Communion in the Church, sometime in connivance with the local Pe. Vigars who do not mind this as long as he gets his quota.
Parish Council is a new phenomenon in Goa, earlier it did not exist and yet everything was functioning well. Majority of the members of Parish Council is females because according to one Pe. Vigar females are easily bendable either for God’s wish or for satanic wish, as per the wishes of the head priest of Parish Council who many times is exploitative in nature to suit his non-spiritual desires. Hence, the preference for more females.
According to the feedback I got, many of the Pe. Vigars are exploiting the kindness and softness of the female members of the Parish Council by burdening them with excess of work beyond their capacity even to the extent of incurring into unnecessary expenses to the concerned members. One Pe. Vigar recently organized a function for the parishioners where he advised the members of the Parish Council to prepare at their homes different types of dishes to distribute to the attendees by charging them certain amount which finally goes into the pocket of the Pe. Vigar in the name of the Church funds. This is something satanic practice because it puts the PC members and their husbands and parents too into unnecessary expenses which is wrong and against the doctrine of Christianity which forbids financial exploitation. Even the current Pope Francis is against financial exploitation by the Church leaders such as Pe. Vigars.
In view of what I said above, the Bishop of Goa, the Vatican Representative in India and all the Catholic Associations existing in India should investigate this matter and put an end to the Church activities detrimental to the uprightness of the faithful. Even the Church organized Picnics and long distance tours should be stopped because these are the occasions for the spread of sins in the name of Church activities. As it is there are rumours spread of some ill doings during the long distance tours conducted by some Churches in Goa. Because of such activities peace in many families is disturbed. Who is responsible for this? Are not the corrupt Pe. Vigars who preach one thing from the Altar and do something else? By vomiting venom in an un-Christian manner from the Holy Altar they have spoiled its sanctity. These Pe. Vigars are the Satanic agents even though they wear the robes of Christ.
A. Veronica Fernandes,
Candolim, Goa.
Tel: 7507394349.