Further to my article in this forum in the first week of May this year on members of clergy climbing on top to collect money for their personal benefit by making use of the position in the Church, immediately then after our Pope at Vatican also issued a statement condemning the Clergy who follow Jesus for money. I don’t know whether He read the said article or not even though I regularly send one copy to Vatican yet in his statement the Pope echoed my thoughts as indicated below.
In the month of May this year, our Pope Francis from Vatican commented against those clergy members who by using the Church platform, collect money for them. Here it is what the Pope has said of the corrupt clergy by condemning them as profiteers and climbers who use the Catholic Church to make money for them. Said the Pope, “There are climbers in the Church. There are a lot of them. People who follow Jesus for money, try to profit from the parish, the diocese, the Christian community, the hospital, the college. We have known a lot of good Catholics, good Christians. And then we discover that they have been carrying out somewhat shady dealings. They were real profiteers and they made a lot of money. They presented themselves as benefactors but they took a lot of money and not always clean money”. Further adding, Pope Francis demanded total transparency in all the financial dealings of the Church and of clergy.
As far as I know not a single Pe. Vigar disclosed this comment from the Altar while preaching his homily, however, if Pope Francis had to request the clergy to ask money and other material benefits from the faithful, our Pe. Vigars and other priests would immediately disclose this loudly with top priority. According to one source from Vatican, Pope Francis is very much disappointed with the indiscipline of the Bishops and Priests who are on loot spree by sucking the blood of the faithful. It looks Pope Francis is aware of the loot systematically conducted in our Churches also and this loot will never end unless there is complete transparency of all the financial dealings and financial matters of our Church.
Is our Goa Church maintaining total transparency in its financial dealings? Does it show transparency in the money it spends, especially the money it collects from the faithful? Is there any discipline for the Church authorities and clergy to collect money from the faithful? Our Church leaders and clergy go about ruthlessly like wild animals in collecting money from the faithful. Last year in the month of August I was on a short vacation in Goa. This incident happened in one Parish below my nose and similar incidents happened elsewhere too. To collect money for that particular Parish, the local Pe. Vigar printed Lottery Tickets, each ticket Rs. 10/- and each book consisting of 20 tickets. These tickets the Pe. Vigar who is also the principal of the Parish School marketed thru all the students studying in his school by distributing one book to each student. If there are 3 students from each family then three books to each family. It was a big burden for the children and even for their parents.
Most of the students found it very difficult to sell these tickets however, to please their Pe. Vigar/Principal of the school they even started begging with the people to purchase these lottery tickets. When one young girl student approached one young boy with a request to purchase some tickets from her, the cunning boy said “Not only some but I will buy the whole book provided you come to have sex with me”. And very deplorably and pitiably the girl having no other choice to dispose of the tickets book, surrendered her body to that stupid boy. This is only one incident which I know but in this way there are innumerable such incidents which gone unnoticed. And who is responsible for such incidents? Definitely our Pe. Vigars and principals who are acting more like Pimps than Pe. Vigars.
Thru these incidents our Pe. Vigars are creating avenues for our young boys and young girls to commit sins resulting in collecting money, for whom? Where this money finally goes and into whose pockets? Surely a portion of this money goes for the maintenance of the Concubines of Pe. Vigars/Principals. In view of this, we have no right to ask God in our daily prayer for “THY KINGDOM COME” because HIS Kingdom will never come to a place where there is Sin promoted thru illicit money making methods of our sinful and corrupt Pe. Vigars and other priests.
Education department of Goa under the ministry of Parricar should investigate into this matter because Pe. Vigar Principals cannot tax the students by unnecessarily burdening them on such money collection business. It is not the job of school students to collect money for the unknown ventures of the Pe. Vigar Principals. At an appropriate time, Education minister of Goa will be notified to take corrective action and to reprimand the guilty.