I am writing this with reference to A. Veronica’s review on 10 Tiatrists, in this column.
Prince Jacob was aware that only Veronica is the most knowledgeable person to speak on Rosary Ferns and yet he asked somebody else to speak and whose knowledge on Roary Ferns is very limited. If Veronica was fixed in advance he would give lot of important information on Rosary Ferns for the benefit of the audience. Prince Jacob is at fault here, he looked jealous of Veronica inspite of Veronica supporting him so much in Kuwait. Prince Jacob knows very well the great power of Veronica's oratory and yet he acted stupid.
When once Veronica’s article “ROSTAD TIATRIST” appeared in Herald, it was under Prince Jacob’s initiative that one delegation of Tiatrists went to Herald office to lodge a protest against Veronica. Prince Jacob when in Kuwait kissed Veronica but after returning back to Goa was betraying Veronica. For Veronica Prince Jacob is a big joke and will remain so. Prince Jacob should be grateful to veronica because he learnt a lot from Veronica in Kuwait.
Rosary Ferns was a great Tiatrist whose many songs even without proper permission Prince Jacob sang in Goa but Rosary Ferns never copied anything from Prince Jacob. Prince Jacob is a perfect copycat.
Can Prince Jacob tell how much each speaker is paid and also how much annual grant government gives to the Academy?
Tiatr Academy under Prince Jacob is manned by impotent leader who had no guts to raise his voice when Francis de Tuem was arrested and Tausif de Navelim’s Tiatr was in problem. I am sure as a cunning man Prince Jacob was enjoying over all the problems Tuem and Tausif were facing. Tiatr Academy under Prince Jacob is in the hands of wrong person.
Francis A. Fernandes,