While strongly commending Mario Menezes for staging his nice Tiatro “Suknneachem Ghor Ghontter Nhoi” on 27th of this month at Pai Tiatrist Hall, Margao which was a house full attendencawise, I strongly condemn the vulgar scene enacted by Comedians Brian and Salvy and also the comedy Trio rendered by Comedians Brian, Jannet and Selvy. In that comedy scene, Selvy carry a Radio set but since due to non-availability of the range, he touches the upper tip of the Aerial of the radio set to the private part of comedian Brian and suddenly radio set starts. When vulgar members of the audience laugh loudly for this vulgar act, they both like “Baizona” repeat the same action.
Lawry Travasso singing his solo
In the trio the language and actions used by them clearly indicate the display of vulgarity. The terminology used by them is having double meaning and the action they display while singing their trio clearly show the indecency and vulgarity. It is really disgusting and humiliating for the decent audience to see this nonsense. It is surprising to note how such a decent and educated man Mario Menezes tolerated this type of vulgarity in his beautiful Tiiatro. It is also surprising to note that none of the senior Tiatrists participating in this Tiatro brought this to the notice of the director. Just because you get encore once, twice and thrice that does not mean your trio and comedy are good. Only the third class audience applauds this type of third class comedy and song done by the third class Tiatrists. Because of this vulgarity much of the greatness of this Tiatro suffered. Tiatro is a part of our cultural item and it is our duty not to malign it by using it indecently and vulgarly.
Seen: Mario Menezes-Semenca-Rosy Alvares-Tari
What I have seen in my life after watching Tiatro for so many years, Tiatrists having third class parentage and disgraceful family background are the authors of vulgarity and indecency display from the Stage. They are scum of the society and shameless. It is this class of Tiatrists that was once responsible for degrading the quality of Tiatro and precisely because of this the elite class of Goans boycotted the Tiatros. Pai Tiiatrist Joao Agostinho Fernandes called such Tiatrists as "ROSTAD TIATRISTS". Who is this comedian Brian a “kalcho porcho potto” to take law of decency into his own hands and display vulgarity on the Stage? His father Peter is so nice, cannot he guide him properly? Who is comedian Selvy and comedian Jannet to display their dirty talent on the Stage? Didn’t these comedians get proper parental care and discipline at home or they are brought-up in the jungle like wild animals? Tiatro is not their monopoly to act the way they want. What is their contribution to raise Tiatro to the pedestal?
Trio of Jr. Nelson. He is seen third from left
Coming back to the Tiatro, story is well scripted and well enacted mainly by Mario Menezes himself, Rosy Alvares, Tari and Semenca. The story tells how the present day generation is not bothered on its elderly parents.
Saby de Divar singing his solo
In the side show songs Saby de Divar’s solo on politics scores highest marks and if I am not mistaken he is the best currently in rendering political songs which he renders with perfect clarity and they are full of logic and matter. The solo sung by Jr. Nelson on politics was worth admiring and his trio with his other two colleagues was exceptionally fabulous. Lawry Travasso rendered a good solo and a duet with Rosy Alvares. Marcos Vaz’s solo on the plight of the three sick Tiatrists namely Anthony D’Souza-Ben Evangelisto-Jr. Rod was fantastic.
A. Veronica Fernandes,
Candolim, Goa.