On 28the of last month I attended the meeting, “Meet the Artiste” in Panjim at Tiatro Academy Auditorium, organized by TAG only. The artiste to be met on that day was one of the senior most Tiatrists “Titta Preto” who came all the way from Bombay to attend this programme.
After the proceedings got over, the question time came for Mr. Preto to answer. Taking advantage of this previllege, I posed the following question to Mr. Pretto:
There was a bit of silence immediately after my question, Titta Pretto was unable to grasp the question, others looked to be confused, still among the audience members some thought the word “NAIKINN” was a bad word, somebody said it means “Prostitute”, one person said it is a personal question and still others felt it was an inappropriate word not meant to be uttered in such a forum. Then I noticed this whole scenario and I told everybody there that the word Naikinn is a word used to refer to “Kumar” or Mistress and went still one step further and used the appropriate word in English meaning “Concubine” that means “NAIKINNPONN” means “Concubinage”.
There was no answer to my question but a bit of confusion in the Auditorium. Then I realized that either my question was not properly understood or merit no answer. In order to avoid further confusion, I withdrew my question.
Now, let me be more elaborative. As I said above, the word Naikinn is a right word for Concubine in English and in the current phase of Tiatrists, as I was given to understand, some Directors are shamelessly infested with this vice of Concubinage having Concubines from their own troupe. This is a SINFUL vice which goes against the morality, dignity and religion. By keeping a Concubine you supersede your wife and those Tiatrists and Directors who keep Concubines are known to mistreat their real wives. This is yet another grave Sin. Earlier in the past this type of Sin was called in Tiatro circle as a Sin of “ROCHAISM” because according to my information the great yesteryear Tiatirst and Director Saib Rocha was the first Tiarist to keep a Concubine from his own troupe about some years back. After him there came and are many Tiarists and Directors who followed in the footsteps of Saib Rocha who was advised by some of his friends to stop this Rochaism but he refused. His last days were very bad as he died an unsung, unadored, uncared and undignified hero in the Azilo of Provedoria. His Concubine was all powerful in his troupe, her decision was final and her word was like this “if comrade Napolean said yes, it must be yes”. Because of her power, Saib Rocha had to forfeit some his own powers which weakened his authority and dignity that ultim ately many times affected the quality of his Tiatros, his personal dignity, respect in his troupe and society.
Similarly, some of the Concubines of our modern days Directors are also imitating the first known Concubine in all respects. They are called not only Naikinnim but also "Naginnim" and because of this, our Tiatrists and Directors having Concubines which is an act of immorality and Sin, I hope will not finally land into the Azilos. They may be thinking that their Sinful acts are remained hidden under the petticoats of their Concubines but no, everything is transparent for everyone to see. The modern Saib Rochas are traitors, they preach one doctrine of uprightness from the Stage and perform something different doctrine in their personal life. For this reason people do not take their messages seriously and hence their Tiatros and Songs do not create the necessary effect in our Society. The Tiatros and Songs of many of our Tiatrists and Directors are meant just to pass time even though they perform innumerable Stages.
A.Veronica Fernandes.