On 18 Mar 2017 1:43 p.m., "Sergio Carvalho"<> wrote:
Mogal bab Luizinho Faleiro,
You may rightly ask who I am to write an Open Letter to you. The answer is--I am nobody--a Nobody really. And my credentials? None whatsoever. Yet my main claim is that I claim that we are friends. Also, because both of us are fathers and grandfathers therefore we are naturally concerned about the future well-being of our children, grandchildren
It's well said that "a politician thinks of the next election but a Statesman thinks of the next generation.".
Bab Luizinho, is it not long past time that you and all other "grandfathers in politics," who so desperately still lust for power and pelf, to step aside instead of stepping on and crushing the future well-being of the scores of generations of your family? I am intentionally focusing on "your family," because I am fully convinced now, that your concern is only yourself, your power, your position and your personal gains.I am sure that you will remember that all niz Goenkars didn't vote for BJP in the previous elections, but voted against your unbearable, corrupt and arrogant Congress Party, as I did, if I may disclose my vote. And in this elections, all niz Goenkars, didn't vote for your Congress Party, but voted against BJP, that had become much worse than your Congress Party. I will take the liberty to tell you that in the recent elections, I did notvote for BJP of course, nor did I vote for the Congress Party, because I developed a severe aversion to it, from 1961 and at no time, did l find any reason, in all these years, to feel any positive vibes towards your Congress Party. But the vital question is--"What did you do with the 17 seats that Goenkars gave your Congress Party?"
First, you abetted Vijay Sardesai to commit socio-political suicide, by betraying him for the 3rd. time in quick succession. No person commits suicide, unless she/he is driven to desperation. You and you alone, bab Luizinho did that and as a result, all niz Goenkars' frustration has reached a breaking point. All the violent press-statements, letters against Vijay Sardesai are public expressions of the mortified minds and hearts of all niz Goenkars, because they loved him unconditionally. Such heart-breaks and aches would not have happened if it any other politician, other than A. Reginalo Lourenco, Vijay Sardesai's kindred soul, would have done the same.
All niz Goenkars loved Vijay Sardesai, because of his passionate, open, love-affair with his/our Goem which he visualised as our tall, graceful, coconut tree. After-all,every one loves a lover! I am sure Vijay Sardesai knew fully the implications of his supporting the BJP government; that he would become a persona-non-grata with the very Goenkars who loved him and had, vaguely perhaps, pinned hopes that he would lead a Goan Political Party, that we need so desperately. And soon. Bab Luizinho, you and all others out there must wake up to the reality that the so-called National Parties do not care for our Goem or for Goenkars, because we are a Conquered people(Supreme Court of India--"Mons.S.F.X. dos R. Monteiro V/s State of Goa"--A.I.R. 1979, pg.329,SC) and a conquered people have no rights, no right to make demands, but have only duties towards the
Conquerer, though occasionally we make the right noises and go through motions of elections, the non value of which, we have seen again and again. Scratch the surface of Digvijay, the omniscient from the almighty High Command in Delhi and you will see how he really does not care for you nor respects you.
Analyse also the Supreme Court ban for all bars within 500mts. including for your "Keserval Resort", at Keserval. Where else is this 500mts.ban for bars really applicable, other than in our Goem? And the now the push to Nationalise our rivers and to convert our inner roads into Highways and that too, by destroying/damageing human and animal habitats and by slaughtering thousands of our age-old majestic trees. Do Goenkars really need these Highways? For whose benefit or enjoyments are all these and other "developments" thrust upon Goem and Goenkars? It is necessary to remember that our Goem is their Playground and Goemkars, their Playthings. Just two days before the recent election results,Vijay rightly stated that our Goen is a "colony again."We have neither the choice nor the voice, to safeguard our concerns and aspirations. This is why we need a Goan Political Party soon, but you bab Luizinho, caused a set-back for its possibility, in the near future, by back-stabbing Vijay Sardesai 3 times, by your doings, non-doings and undoings.
In your so many, many years in prominent positions in the Goa and Deihi Governments, with close contact with the Almighty of your "High Command,"what did you do for the EXCLUSIVE benefit of our Goem and Goemkars? About your work to protect the "Special Status" of the N.E.States,we know, but we do not know about your work for the same, for our Goem!
Five years ago, your Congress Party thrust the communal BJP upon Goenkars and now you, as the President of GPCC as well as a well connected senior Party man, did it again. I cannot accept that you allowed Digvijay to overrule you,in whatever decisions you meant to take, for the good of Goemkars and our Goem. Nothing like this is tolerated by Political Party authorities, anywhere in India.
In the stormy clouds that you enveloped our Goem with, I see Vijay Sardesai, whom we have painted as the sinister evil, as the only"silver lining,"who will struggle to protect and save all things Goan, with generous, I am sure, fatherly advice from bab Digambar Kamat.Vijay Sardesai will need our prayers.Bab Luizinho, only God can forgive you as only God can save and protect all Goenkars and our Goem, because politicians like you,will not even try to ameliorate our sinking that has begun.
"Time is Fast Ticking"("Quo Vadis Goa"--Prabhakar Sinarni, a prominent "freer-fighter" wrote in a local Daily).Indeed, despite and because of you, bab Luizinho.Your friend who lost all respect and regard for you,Sergio Carvalho.