Exactly a month is left for the next Panchayat Elections in Goa, the official date fixed is 11thJune 2017. What type of people we will elect this time? From the past record, most of the elected Panchayat members are proved to be crooks and corrupt thru which they amassed huge wealth. It is a first step for the elected member that teaches him how to rob public and how to become corrupt. For this reason the Panchayati member becomes proud and arrogant since he acquires easy wealth by taking bribe from the public thru the selling of services which otherwise is FREE.
The system works like this as told to me by one of our Panchas. When any one wants to construct something either a house or a big building, that person comes to the Panchayat for Licence which is otherwise free of charge but the Panchayat leader tells that builder to pay them x amount as bribe. This amount then the Panchayat members distribute among themselves, the highest share goes to the Sarpanch. For this reason the local Sarpanches are become fast lakhpoti. To ask for the bribe they are not even ashamed, they are shameless people and on top of it they go regularly to worship God in their Churches and Temples to pretend to be saintly creatures. They are a disgrace on their religions.
Because of this easy money making methods, they love this place and don’t want to retire from the local politics. They are the most cruel butchers having no soft feelings for the locals who cannot afford to pay the bribe not in thousands only but sometimes in lakhs. Now to contest the next election there will be a rush of all the Chor Bastards. In my locality there is a man Mr. X who has acquired lot of wealth including Bungalows and Hotel/Restaurant without working anywhere but by demanding bribes from the public. He is known as the most corrupt non-Goan holding public office but he is very good in dealing with the people thru very friendly diplomacy. In his Ward Y where he contests the election regularly, this time there is no place for him because his Ward this time is reserved for the Females. Hence he moves to some other Ward Z where he is a stranger. He does not mind undergoing any sacrifices but by all means he wants to get elected because there is lot of easy money flow involved without doing any work.
This time in my Ward whoever contests the election he must first declare openly his asset and wealth and how he acquired the same. We have two most corrupt Panchayat members – one is a Khapri who thinks he is somebody an extraordinary man and the other is a non-Goan, diplomatically cunning. Likewise, in every village in Goa people must grill the election contestants. We must know that their character is good and then only we must cast our votes. I have a list of Builders who showed the names and amount they paid as Bribes to the local Panchayat. At an appropriate time I will disclose it to the public.
A.Veronica Fernandes.