On 27th of this month in Candolim at Panchayat Hall, a special meeting was held by the Xetkar COMMITTE TO revive the farming activities in Candolim which are stopped now due to various reasos. One of the major reasons according to the people gathered there was the release of sewage water from the Hotels into the fields.
If this is the case then how these hotels were given licenses by the local Panchayat to start functioning? Who is responsible for this? Was it not the local Sarpanch of that time along with all the Panchas who remained partners in the crime? I am sure the Sarpanchas of that period must have surely approved the licenses for these hotels only by accepting bribes otherwise how they dared to commit these crimes of giving licenses without proper documents for the work done? This is the reason that our Sarpanchas and panchas accumulating enormous illicit wealth by selling licenses thru bribe.
In Candolim people must initiate investigation to find out how the current and earlier Sarpanches issued licenses to Hotels – was it with the proper formalities or without thru the acceptance of bribe money?
If Candoicars are real Candoicars then they will initiate an enquiry to find out the mischief done by the local Sarpanchas. If necessary they must take recourse to legal means otherwise our Sarpanches and Panches will sell our villages to the outsiders especially by those Sarpanches from outside whom we call them as Ghantteetees. These Ghanttee Sarpanches are acting like Dadas in our midst which has to be stopped. Their robberies and briberies must be exposed, some of them came in our villages like beggars and now started acting like Maharajas. These are the worst culprits who pretend to be saints in the garb of Chor.
A.Veronca Fernandes.