That Parricar died ultimately was the decision of God who alone knows the mystery surrounding his life. That nobody should talk ill of the dead is the Roman proverb and this point has to be adhered very carefully. However, this proverb may be right and if it is really right then we must indicate it in our daily conversation to alert our colleagues, friends and others too. However, besides the above mentioned proverb there is one more proverb which goes like this: “Kunkodd melem ani funkod gelem” as if there is nothing great in this death or this death means nothing.
People say he was the able administrator but what are the extra ordinary administrative actions he took so as to provide job opportunities to our jobless youth in Goa? Why only one particular community members are given more opportunities for jobs in Goa? Is it to frustrate the youth of another community so that they opt for Portuguese Passports and leave Goa which is a big loss not only for their community but also for Goa?
If he was able administrator then why his colleagues were involved in taking bribes in lakhs of rupees for giving the government jobs to our unemployed youth? Why for every service provided by the government one has to pay the bribe for those officers who are approving those services? Why this parallel economy is kept functioning? Is it to indicate that he was an able administrator?
Was he really a secular man? If yes, then what credentials and qualities he indicates to accept the “yes”? Was his intention to cancel the Good Friday holiday and also the holiday for the Feast of Goencho Saib in right direction?
Can any right thinking person forgive him for cheating Congress when Congress had majority to form the government, and instead forming his government? Is it not an act of robbery and will you call such robbers as able administrators?
By taking treatment of a VIP in USA he spent crores of rupees. From where? Is it not from the government kitty? That means that money belonged to us. Who will reimburse us now? Just because he is CM that means he is a super citizen? Where is our equality gone when we see so much of inequality among us in getting medical treatment? If he was able administrator then he would have resigned from his post when he was detected with incurable Cancer and would not allow the mess in the administration in Goa.
He is the first class liar because when he was in opposition and even later when he assured the people of Goa that he will throw out the then existing Casinos but instead Casinos are still rotting in Mandovi River and on top of it the number of Casinos has increased in the Mandovi River. Who said he is able administrator? He is called a master of U Turn because he is untruthfull and not a man of one word.
Can we genuine Goans accept him as our role model for our children? What lesson our children will gather from their actions? Can you call a person going to Ayodya to demolish the Muslim Masjid a secular?
I think people of Goa especially the genuine Goans must never trust any tales spread by BJP who in a cunning manner grabbed power not to do anything good for Goa and Goans but if possible to create a rift between Hindus and Chritians. They cannot see anything good in Christian community but now Christian community is as strong in Goa as it was earlier. They are like unshakeable rocks in Goa and Parricar and of his like will come and go as if they are tourists.
My caaution to them that they should stop not only doing harm to Christians but they must not even think ill of Christians because Christians are not cunning and crooks with the exception of few Lembdde who are hiding under the “Gagro” of BJP and who merged with BJP to prevent Parricar from bringing up all the cases against their mischief and robberies. According to ”Xemaincheo Kannio”, those who try to harm Goan Christians they will suffer miserable deaths and get liquidated from our midst like Worms near the fire. This is nothing, more and more calamities will fall and everyone playing mischief against the weaker section of the society will face the terrible deaths after undergoing the worst pangs of sickness. These calamities will fall on them not too late but very early.
A.Veronica Fernandes.