This is to refer to the noise going all around regarding the controversial sermon preached by as disclosed, Fr. Conceicao. I fully agree with this priest in using the Church area and not a Tinto to educate the Christians as per his pastoral duty to know of the final punishment God allocates for any person who unnecessarily harasses the innocent. It is the sacred duty of the clergy to educate his people of what is good and what is bad as far as the behaviour of the politicians are concerned and who are trying to convert our land into Soddom and Gomorrah. Since politicians are the main sinners to convert Goa into a sinful place, it becomes the duty of the clergy like Fr. Conceicao D'silva to advise the faithful in the Church to do what. I admire the wisdom of this priest whose Video of his preaching gone viral. This is exactly what is required to spread the message of the priest to greater number of peole.
When there is an all-round persecution for Christians in our land and when God notice the inability of Christians to face the aggression on them then God delivers His judgment as a curative measure to give peace to the innocent victims by getting rid of the persecutor of harassment, in the form of any major sickness to the culprits. God side not only with the harassed Christians but also with any other harassed individual and community since God is the father of all irrespective of the routes we follow to reach to God. I am sure one day all those who are fighting in this world in the name of God and in the name of their respective religions, the deadly communal battles, wars and worst fights thereby creating an inferno of this world, will be surprised to see in the next world after their deaths again burning in the Inferno of the Hell. This will be their reward for creating communal riots and fights. At that point of time they will feel sorry for their misdeeds which did not help them to reach to the Heavenly bliss.
Regarding those pundits who are trying to teach us the Christians, the lesson saying priests should not involve in politics, again I disagree here too with this tin-pot semi-intelligents on the ground that when there was heavy campaign in Philippine to overthrow the corrupt President Ferdinand Marcos, the entire Church there openly rallied behind Cardinal Sin of Philippine who openly supported incumbent Corazon Aquino and open revolt against Marcus’ government. When He was unable to find out what was the real reasons for the entire Church to fight against Marcos, the then Pope Himself came to Philippines, saw what wrong was going on there and gave Vatican’s consent to involve directly in this politics there to defeat Ferdinand Marcus to bring about peace in that country for the good of society. What our priest doing now in Goa is right for the good of the society otherwise our political opponents will devour us not only bodily but if possible soully. I have no faith in BJP for doing anything good for the Christians in Goa. They will gradually convert Christians as second class citizens of Goa just as those days MGP followers did and just because of this harm they did for Christians, I think God brought them to this non-entity level. And still the remnants of the old MGP still fail to realize their pride especially the Davlikars and their wives, then God will totally annihilate MGP from the soil of Goa. We Christians have suffered enough of MGP persecution and discriminations and It is not necessary to ask punishment of God for our wrong doers because He knows whom to punish by sending what type of desease or accident or sickness. But we also got right to ask punishment for our enemies when they are unstoppable, however, to give punishment is the decision of God who alone knows the chemistry of those who harass us.
Politics is the most corrupt activity among us needing total attention especially by the clergy to educate our masses. Martin Luther King the civil rightist took this burden on his shoulder and to a large extent he succeeded even though he had to be the victim of his enemies bullet. In Nigaragua Catholic Priests were inducted into the Cabinet of Daniel Ortega. Many clergy members criticized this induction but they never got frightened on the contrary they thanked Ortega for affording them the opportunity to serve their society well because they realized that it is by joining the political field they could serve their fellow human beings better.
I heard once a sermon preached by one priest many years ago when I was young boy, saying “Deva tea paddayank to apleache podven ani kuddichea bollan lokanche narl choriam paddta tachi nit tuvenuch korchi, tachea eka tori payank kosli na tor kosli tori khast launchi na tor to amkam sotaitolo moro passun”. In view of this, I cannot find fault with Fr. Conceicao going against the principle of the Christianity by preaching thus. Fr. Conceicao or for that matter any “Padri” is duty bound even to instruct the faithful in his sermon not only not to vote any disgraceful party but he is duty bound even to tell the faithful to vote for a particular party if that party is good and non-commuunal. If “X” party is bad then he must as true to his mission of a Padri tell openly that particular party is bad and if they are elected then there is a fear for our survival because that particular party when formed the next government, that government will take all wrong decisions, in view of this the clergy must advise the faithful in the right direction.
I don’t understand why the Church had to tender an apology on behalf of Fr. Conceisao, I want Fr. Conceisao should be strong enough at this hour of crisis and we on our part are ready to stand by him even if the Church may desert him. Our Church job is this only to desert those dynamic priests who wants to render their services for the betterment of our society. Did not our Church desert Fr. Bismark thereby allowing his enemies to make a mess of his life? Our Church leaders at moment looks like acting as Naziz with stone hearted attitude. Today we the Catholics are so backwards because our Church leadership at the Altinho failed to guide us in the right direction. Our Church leadership is in the hands of Ladru-Pedru type of leaders, these leaders normally are associated with Liquour – money & Sex.
Our Church at moments it looks to me is in the hands of unreliabale leaders, some of our prominent Church leaders by flirting with our enemies at night time like “Pamprelam” sell us to our enemies at day time to form their government. Because of our Church siding with the BJP in the last election as it was disclosed, the faithful has totally lost their confidence in the Church leadership. The faithful have totally lost their trust in our Church leadership because silently like “Kole” our Church leadership without letting us know flirts with BJP when we the faithful keep our distance from BJP because we don’t like such “CEDDIOPONA". Such jobs are better suited to the Prostitutes.
A.Veronica Fernandes.