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I still remember that immediately following  the invasion of Goa by Bahrat under the premiership of Nehru of Congress Party, there was heavy clamouring and discussion from behind the curtain by the mighty Maharastrian Congressmen foremost among them was Y.B. Chawan and also V.P.Naik to impress upon Nehru to hand over Goa on silver platter to Maharastra because thru that most disgraceful Dayanada Bandodkar who as given to understand at that time was not the real son of Goa,  was supporting Goa’s merger with Maharastra. All the problems of Goa we genuine Goans are facing now in Goa are the creations of that Bandodcar and because of his decisions taken not much against Goans in general but mainly against the Goan Christians whose hatred he was carrying in his blood. This hatred he inculcated into the minds of all the third class Hindus who were shouting at the top of their voices saying “ZALACH PAHIJE”.  In fact this Zalach Pahije slogan became the identity of Mergerists  and hoi - polloi Hindu Goans in general  mainly all the Ramus – Shamus – Banus – Shinvtulems – Abulems etc. especially from North Goa such as Mandrem – Pernem – Siolim -  Chopddem – Mapusa etc.  Very many of these people are not original Goans and as such they are not genuine Goans, they came to Goa during the Portuguese regime many  of them like slaves and “Chors”.  According to one source some of them even supplied their wives to the Portuguese because Portuguese had a very dirty  habit like some of the dirty Gulf Arabs in a purely tribal manner to sleep with the wives of their hosts.  And in exchange of sex, the Portuguese gave at least to some of them not only the shelter in Goa but also other benefits including the Trade Licenses.  And inspite of enjoying so many benefits of Portuguese, the bloody “bamtte” non-genuine Goans were firing crackers when Goa was invaded  by the greedy country Bharat that is ruled by the worst corrupt politicians.  Some of these artificial and non-genuine Goans the way they were dancing on the streets to release their happiness over the overthrow of the Portuguese in Goa and simultaneously mocking at us Christians as if we were the cousin brothers of Portuguese, thru these they were trying to show that they were the real  Goan patriots and Goan Christians were the Chamchas of Portuguese.  These Konknes thought that India means the land of Hindus only and that word India is derived from Hindu religion.  In view of this, these illiterate stupid Konknes   thought Goan Hindus will have an upper hand in Goa and Goan Christians will be treated like slaves. Like this I got lot of information from these bloody “Kaxttikar - Zotkar & Gaddekar Konknnes”  by interacting with many of them immediately following the invasion of Goa. 

All those bloody “Konknes” who do not know the real history they should know that Goan Christians were the early Fighters to drive out the Portuguese from Goa thru their revolt known as Pinto’s Revolution who were my “Ghanv-Bhau” from the same village Candolim and the same Vaddo Pintos, this revolt is also called as Pintos Revolution and the important aspect of this revolt was that it was done by the Roman Catholic Priests.

What would be the destiny of Goa if that bloody Malyali  Krishna Menon, the then defense minister of India had to tell the truth to Nehru?  Just before the Indian military entered into  Goan soil,  President John F. Kennedy of USA   asked Nehru to stop  sending military to Goa and settle this issue thru peaceful means. Nehru immediately contacted Menon asking him to halt moving Indian troop to Goa. At this time Indian troop was still in Indian territory but Menon as given to understand told a lie to Nehru saying “Our troop is already deep inside Goa”. This was the big setback  for our destiny otherwise it would habeen a totally different history.

As colonialists Portuguese were bad but they have not done anything bad for us, if anybody did wrong for us during their rule over Goa then they must be the Bahttkars mainly the Bamon. And this wrong done by those people have hurt the victims too deeply. Who were those Bhattkars and Bamonn?  Most of them were the bastardised class of Christians who by supplying their wives to the Portuguese have gained  them better dividends, they have brought disgrace not only on their class and caste but also on their Religion Roman Catholics which is losing its importance in Goa due to the attacks on it from the non-Catholic   denominations. These denominations are all out at least in Goa to expose and to destroy Roman Catholicism.  The Bamon Bhattkarshai have committed worst crimes against their Mundkars and other lower strata of the Goans inspite of being practicing Catholics. Their religious  cunningness has brought a disgrace on their religion too.   It is because of their ill-treatment of the lower class of Goans both  Hindus and Christians Portuguez had to leave from Goa so early otherwise these very class of hurt Goans would defend the Portuguese from the onslaught of 19.12.1961 to keep them in Goa. 

The victims of Portuguez rule persecution in Goa were both the communities Hindus and Christians and because of this both the communities should have fought their battle against those culprits who persecuted them during the Portuguese regime but instead of this joint battle of Hindus and Christians against their common enemy, one victimized  community dissociated from the other and as influenced by the ZALACH PAHIJE ideology this community surprisingly instead considered Christians as their enemies. The lower strata Christians were never a part of harassment to anyone in Goa.  It was the Christian  Bhattkar Bamonshai that was responsible to the lower strata of Goan society irrespective of their religious affiliations.  Immediately following the ouster of Portuguese rule from Goa there should have been a war between poor Munddkarshai and rich Bhattkarshai but instead it became the confrontation between the Christians and lower strata of Hindus leading to the issuing of slogan ‘ZALACH PAHIZE” to merge Goa with Maharastra so that Christian influence on Goa will diminish thru the  introduction of Marathi as an official language of Goa and dissolving of Christians into the sea of non-Christian Maharastrians. 


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