Tomorrow 5th August 2021, is the 2nd anniversary of the abrogation of the Article 370 and 35A that was imposed on Jammu and Kashmir and Laddakh too. According to these articles no Kashmiri land was to be sold to the non-locals but when these Articles were abrogated exactly two years back, the sale of Kashmiri land was made viable thru which the locals will be making more money that will increase the purchasing power of the people there helping the growth of economy.
When land of Kashmir will be sold to non-locals, the big business houses from all other parts of India will be jumped into Kashmir to start new heavy industries and also the major industry of Tourism that will receive a tremendous booster because the gate for the sale of land in this areas to the non-citizens of these land will be made easy for the people from all over India. The sale of local land to the non-locals will surely increase the purchasing power of the locals and with it a big booster to the local economy.
Secondly, the economy of Kashmir will take a stride upward because the top entrepreneurs from other parts of India will be pouring in lot of money to start heavy industries on the land they are going to purchase besides the major industry of Tourism will take a big booster to avail of the opportunities to develop the tourism in Kashmir which for such a long time remained dormant since there was no flow of tourism. But due to the abrogation of both the above Articles, the tourism industry will receive a big booster. These developments will surely create job opportunities to the local youth and thus they will channelise their intelligence and energy in the right direction.
The other major industry in Medical Science and Education is gaining a momentum where top educational Universities will be established for the local students to study in their own localities instead of going outside as top educational facilities will be accessible for the local students. And regarding the development of Medical Science Industry, it will build the topmost Medical Colleges giving easy access to the best of medical treatment to the locals in their own locality instead of going abroad or elsewhere in India.
The human rights violation will be curtailed and every human being especially the females and children will be given protection with regards to their rights on par with others in India. The Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe will be given all their due previlleges as enjoyed by their counterparts elsewhere in India and so many thousands of Refugees from West Pakistan facing such a discriminatory treatment now will be treated as human beings as per the Indian laws and they will be bestowed upon them the much desired Citizensip of India.
These are some of the benefits Kasmiris will get due to the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A.
A.Veronica Fernandes.