Sergio Carvalho,
Liberty Apts-202,
Everyday, the print and social network media, brings letters, middles and articles, bitterly and angrily lamenting that everything Goan is being destroyed at an alarming rate; that both Congress and BJP State Governments have actively promoted and participated in this process of destruction; that both Congress and BJP State Governments have bulldozed the so-called “Development Projects”, despite people’s on longdrawn protests, appeals, representations etc. Mopa Airport, Tiracol Golf-Course, Casinos and now targeting our Rivers are four (4) among many others, of typical examples of both Goa Governments riding roughshod over Goenkars.
But all this and worse well continue to haunt Goenkars and Goa, because Goa is a Conquered Land (Supreme Court of India- “Mons. Sebastiao F.X.dos R. Monteiro V/s State of Goa”_ A.I.R. 1970 pg. 329, S.C.) and a Conquered People have no rights, but only duties to do and accept what the Conqueror demands. A Conquered People have no right to make demands, but accept only that which the Conqueror may give, out of his “sweet will and pleasure”.
While all the other State Governments and Opposition Parties, contentiously “fight” to safeguard the assets, interests, aspirations of the People and the Land (State), the Governments in Goa-both Congress and BJP, have done and are doing the exact opposite. The reason for this is that they (both Congress and BJP) are agents of the Conqueror, in the guise of Governments. And we Goenkars, have unwittingly and credulously gone through the motions of elections.
Therefore, all we Goenkars, in and out of Goa, must immediately shake ourselves out of the spell of mass-hypnotism under which we are unsuspectingly and recognize, accept that we are a Conquered People and not a Liberated People. Only then will we stop foolishly making demands, like for example, for “Special Status”; stop fretting about the ongoing process of Genocide of Goenkars and the annihilation of our Goem.
Only then… only then, hopefully we Goenkars will seek a differt path, to save ourselves and our homeland Goem! Hopefully, if atall !!.
“Time is Fast Ticking”
says Prabhakar Sinari, one of the most prominent so-called Freedom Fighters, in an article- “Quo Vadis Goa?”
(Sergio Carvalho)